Source code for hyvr.geo.channel_utils

import numpy as np
from hyvr.optimized import curve_interp
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def ferguson_curve(grid, h, k, ds, eps_factor, flow_angle, domain_length, xstart, ystart, width): """ Simulate extruded parabola centrelines using the Ferguson (1976) disturbed meander model Implementation of AR2 autoregressive model Parameters ---------- grid : Grid object h : float Height (Ferguson model parameter) k : float Wave number (Ferguson model parameter) ds : float Curve distance for calculations (Ferguson model parameter) eps_factor : float Random background noise (Ferguson model parameter) flow_angle : float Angle of mean flow direction, in radians domain_length : float Length of the domain in mean flow direction xstart, ystart : float Starting coordinates of the channel centerline width : float Width of the channel Returns ------- outputs : float matrix Simulated extruded parabola centerlines: storage array containing values for x coordinate, y coordinate, vx and vy """ # Parameters ds += 1e-10 ns = domain_length*2 s = np.arange(0, ns, ds) # Centreline starting point xp = 0 yp = 0 # Calculate curve directions theta = ferguson_theta(s, eps_factor, k, h) # Interpolate curve direction over interval of interest s_interp, th_interp = curve_interp(s, theta, 0.1) # Storage array outputs = np.zeros((len(th_interp), 4)) for th_idx, th_i in enumerate(th_interp): vx = ds*np.cos(th_i) vy = ds*np.sin(th_i) # Assign to storage array outputs[th_idx, 0] = xp # x coordinate outputs[th_idx, 1] = yp # y coordinate outputs[th_idx, 2] = vx # vx outputs[th_idx, 3] = vy # vy # go to next point xp += vx yp += vy # Rotate meanders into mean flow direction rot_angle = -np.mean(th_interp) + flow_angle rotMatrix = np.array([[np.cos(rot_angle), -np.sin(rot_angle)], [np.sin(rot_angle), np.cos(rot_angle)]]) roro =, outputs[:, 0:2].transpose()) outputs[:, 2:] =, outputs[:, 2:].transpose()).transpose() outputs[:, 0] = roro[0, :].transpose() outputs[:, 1] = roro[1, :].transpose() # move to channel start outputs[:, 0] += xstart outputs[:, 1] += ystart # plt.plot(outputs[:,0], outputs[:,1]) # plt.axhline(y=grid.y0, xmin=grid.x0, xmax=grid.xmax, color='r') # plt.axhline(y=grid.ymax, xmin=grid.x0, xmax=grid.xmax, color='r') # plt.axvline(x=grid.x0, ymin=grid.y0, ymax=grid.ymax, color='r') # plt.axvline(x=grid.lx, ymin=grid.y0, ymax=grid.ymax, color='r') # # Remove values before model domain indomain = np.logical_and(outputs[:, 0] >= grid.x0-width, outputs[:, 0] <= grid.xmax+width) outputs = outputs[indomain, :] # plt.plot(outputs[:,0], outputs[:,1]) # plt.axhline(y=grid.y0, xmin=grid.x0, xmax=grid.xmax, color='r') # plt.axhline(y=grid.ymax, xmin=grid.x0, xmax=grid.xmax, color='r') # plt.axvline(x=grid.x0, ymin=grid.y0, ymax=grid.ymax, color='r') # plt.axvline(x=grid.lx, ymin=grid.y0, ymax=grid.ymax, color='r') # return outputs
[docs]def ferguson_theta(s, eps_factor, k, h): """ Calculate curve direction angle Parameters: s: Steps within generated curve distance eps_factor: Random background noise k: Wave number h: Height Returns: th_store *(array)* - Curve direction angle """ # Storage arrays th_store = np.zeros(len(s)) for idex, si in enumerate(s): if idex == 0: t1 = 0 t2 = 0 eps = 0 elif idex == 1: t1 = th_store[idex-1] t2 = 0 eps = np.random.normal()*eps_factor else: t1 = th_store[idex-1] t2 = th_store[idex-2] eps = np.random.normal(1)*eps_factor th_store[idex] = thetaAR2(t1, t2, k, h, eps) return th_store
[docs]def thetaAR2(t1, t2, k, h, eps): """ Implementation of AR2 autoregressive model (Ferguson, 1976, Eq.15) Parameters: t1: theta(i-1) t2: theta(i-2) k: Wavenumber h: Height eps: Random background noise Returns: 2nd-order autoregression (AR2) """ b1 = 2*np.exp(-k*h)*np.cos(k*np.arcsin(h)) b2 = -np.exp(-2*k*h) return eps + b1*t1 + b2*t2