Source code for hyvr.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Some utility functions for HFM modelling

    :Authors: Jeremy P. Bennett, with help from Alessandro Comunian and Samuel Scherrer



import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import linecache
import os
import errno

# def mf6_vtr(fhead, mg, fout):
#     """
#     Convert a MODFLOW 6 Binary head file into vtr suitable for visualisation in ParaView

#     Parameters
#     ----------

#     """
#     try:
#         import flopy
#     except ImportError:
#         print('mf output not possible: Flopy not installed.')
#         return
#     hfile = flopy.utils.binaryfile.HeadFile(fhead)          #
#     hdata = hfile.get_alldata()                             # Create numpy array with all data
#     head_dict = dict()                                      # Initialise dict with the data
#     for i in range(0, hdata.shape[0]):
#         hf_i = np.squeeze(hdata[i, :, :, :])                # Get heads at individual time steps
#         hf_i = np.transpose(hf_i, (2, 1, 0))                # Permute to be consistent with HyVR grids
#         head_dict['head_timestep{}'.format(i)] = hf_i

#     to_vtr(head_dict, fout, mg, points=True)

# def dem_load(fn):
#     """
#     Load data from ESRI-style ASCII-file.

#     Parameters:
#         fn (str): 				Directory and file name for save

#     Returns:
#         - data *(numpy array)* - Data from ERSI-style ASCII-file
#         - meta *(dict)* - Dict with grid metadata

#     """

#     # Extract header using linecache
#     meta = {}
#     meta['ncols'] = int(linecache.getline(fn, 1).split()[1])
#     meta['nrows'] = int(linecache.getline(fn, 2).split()[1])
#     meta['ox'] = linecache.getline(fn, 3).split()[1]
#     meta['oy'] = linecache.getline(fn, 4).split()[1]
#     meta['cell_size'] = linecache.getline(fn, 5).split()[1]
#     meta['no_Data'] = linecache.getline(fn, 6).split()[1]

#     # Extract data using pandas
#     df = pd.read_csv(fn, header=None, delimiter=' ', skiprows=6, dtype=np.float)
#     data = df.as_matrix()

#     return data, meta

# def dem_save(fn, data, gro):
#     """
#     Save DEM data to ESRI-style ASCII-file

#     Parameters:
#         fn (str):               Directory and file name for save
#         data (numpy array):     DEM data
#         gr (object class):      grid.Grid() object class

#     Returns:
#         Save DEM data to ESRI-style ASCII-file

#     """

#     header = ("ncols            {0.nx}\n"
#               "nrows            {0.ny}\n"
#               "xllcorner        {0.ox}\n"
#               "yllcorner        {0.oy}\n"
#               "cellsize         {0.cs2}\n"
#               "NOODATA_value    -9999"
#               ).format(gro)

#     with open(fn, mode='wb') as out_file:
#         np.savetxt(out_file,
#                    data,
#                    header=header,
#                    fmt='%.4f',
#                    comments='')

# def load_gslib(fn):
#     """
#     Load .gslib files. This has been appropriated from the HPGL library
#     commit b980e15ad9b1f7107fd4fa56ab117f45553be3aa

#     Parameters:
#         fn (str): 			.gslib file path and name

#     Returns:
#         gslib_dict *(dict)* - properties

#     """
#     gslib_dict = {}
#     list_prop = []
#     points = []

#     f = open(fn)
#     head = f.readline().split('\t')
#     num_p = int(f.readline())
#     #print num_p

#     lx, ly, lz = [int(x) for x in head[0].split(' ')]
#     nx, ny, nz = [float(x) for x in head[1].split(' ')]
#     ox, oy, oz = [float(x) for x in head[2].split(' ')]

#     for i in range(num_p):
#         list_prop.append(str(f.readline().strip()))
#     #print list_prop

#     for i in range(len(list_prop)):
#         gslib_dict[list_prop[i]] = np.zeros((lx * ly * lz))

#     index = np.zeros(len(list_prop))

#     for line in f:
#         points = line.split()
#         for j in range(len(points)):
#             gslib_dict[list_prop[j]][index[j]] = float(points[j])
#             index[j] += 1

#     for dkey in gslib_dict.keys():
#         gslib_dict[dkey] = gslib_dict[dkey].reshape((ly, lx, lz))

#     f.close()

#     return gslib_dict

''' HYVR-specific utilities'''

# def read_lu(sq_fp):
#     """
#     Load user-defined strata (architectural element lookup table),
#     split the data based on a delimiter and return it as a new list

#     Parameters:
#         sq_fp:			Load user-defined strata (architectural element lookup table)

#     Returns:
#         ssm_lu *(list)*: -Values of architectural element lookup table

#     """
#     # Load user-defined systems / architectural element lookup table
#     print(time.strftime("%d-%m %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) + ': Reading strata data from ' + sq_fp)
#     with open(sq_fp) as f:
#         lines =

#     ssm_lu = []
#     for li in lines[1:]:
#         temp = li.split(',')
#         ssm_lu.append([int(temp[0]), float(temp[1]), float(temp[2]), str(temp[3]), int(temp[4])])

#     return ssm_lu

# def virtual_boreholes(data_dict, d, l, file_out=None, vals=[], opts=[]):
#     """ Perform 'virtual' borehole sampling of parameter field

#     Arguments:
#         data_dict (dict):
#             Data to sample
#         d (list):
#             3-tuple of model grid cell dimensions
#         l (list):
#             3-tuple of total model dimensions/lengths
#         file_out (list: basefile path, list of file types):
#             Output filename and path
#         vals (list):
#             Parameter fields to include
#         opts (dict):
#             Sampling options
#             opts['noBH'] (int):             Random sampling
#             opts['grid_spacing']:           float, or list of floats [x spacing, y spacing] Grid sample spacing
#             opts['grid_n']:                 int, or list of ints [n in x, n in y] Number of grid nodes per x,y dimensions
#             opt['lnK'] (bool):              Natural logarithm of isotropic hydraulic conductivity

#     Returns:
#         bh_df : Pandas DataFrame class

#     """

#     nx, ny, nz = np.shape(data_dict['fac'])

#     # Set up column names
#     cols = ['x', 'y', 'z']
#     if len(vals) == 0:
#         vals = data_dict.keys()
#     cols.extend(vals)

#     # Create dataframe
#     bh_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)

#     # Sampling of grid
#     xy_grid = []
#     xv = np.arange(0.5 * d[0], l[0], d[0])
#     yv = np.arange(0.5 * d[1], l[1], d[1])
#     zv = np.arange(0.5 * d[2], l[2], d[2])

#     if 'grid_spacing' in opts.keys():
#         """ Uniform grid with set spacing """

#         # Get cartesian coordinates in 2D (x,y)
#         if len(opts['grid_spacing']) == 2:
#             range_x = np.arange((opts['grid_spacing'][0] * 0.5), l[0], opts['grid_spacing'][0])
#             range_y = np.arange((opts['grid_spacing'][1] * 0.5), l[1], opts['grid_spacing'][1])
#         else:
#             range_x = np.arange((opts['grid_spacing'] * 0.5), l[0], opts['grid_spacing'])
#             range_y = np.arange((opts['grid_spacing'] * 0.5), l[1], opts['grid_spacing'])

#         x_locs, y_locs = np.meshgrid(range_x, range_y)

#         # Convert to array indices
#         x_locs = np.floor(x_locs.flatten()/d[0]).astype(int)
#         y_locs = np.floor(y_locs.flatten()/d[1]).astype(int)

#     elif 'grid_n' in opts.keys():
#         """ Sample over uniform grid """
#         # Get cartesian coordinates in 2D (x,y)
#         range_x = np.linspace(0, l[0]/d[0] - 1, opts['grid_n'][0])
#         range_y = np.linspace(0, l[1]/d[1] - 1, opts['grid_n'][1]+2)[1:-1]
#         x_locs, y_locs = np.meshgrid(range_x, range_y)

#         # Convert to array indices
#         x_locs = np.floor(x_locs.flatten()).astype(int)
#         y_locs = np.floor(y_locs.flatten()).astype(int)

#     elif 'noBH' in opts.keys():
#         """ Randomly sample the xy plane """
#         x_locs = np.random.choice(range(0, nx), opts['noBH'])    # Borehole location indices
#         y_locs = np.random.choice(range(0, ny), opts['noBH'])    # Borehole location indices

#     # Put data into dataframe
#     for idx in range(len(x_locs)):
#         # Get indices of location
#         i = x_locs[idx]
#         j = y_locs[idx]

#         # Get vectors of Cartesian coordinates
#         ibh = np.zeros((nz, 3 + len(vals)))
#         ibh[:, 0] = np.ones((nz,)) * xv[i]          # x coordinates
#         ibh[:, 1] = np.ones((nz,)) * yv[j]          # y coordinates
#         ibh[:, 2] = zv                              # z coordinates

#         for iv, v in enumerate(vals):
#             # Append to list to be appended to dataframe
#             ibh[:, iv+3] = data_dict[v][i, j, 0:nz]
#         bh_df = bh_df.append(pd.DataFrame(ibh, columns=cols), ignore_index=True)

#     if 'lnK' in opts and opts['lnK'] is True:
#         vals.extend(['lnK'])
#         bh_df['lnK'] = pd.Series(np.log(bh_df['k_iso']), index=bh_df.index)

#     # Save borehole data
#     fmtd = {'k_iso': '%.5e',
#             'lnK': '%.5f',
#             'poros': '%.5f',
#             'fac': '%u',
#             'dip': '%.2f',
#             'azim': '%.2f'}
#     if file_out is not None:
#         if 'csv' in file_out[1]:
#             bh_df.to_csv(file_out[0]+'.csv', index=False)
#         if 'gslib' in file_out[1]:
#             n_conddata = bh_df.shape[0]
#             colsout = ['x', 'y', 'z']
#             colsout.extend(vals)
#             to_write = bh_df.as_matrix(columns=colsout)
#             header = [str(n_conddata), str(3 + len(vals)), 'x', 'y', 'z']
#             header.extend(vals)
#             header = '\n'.join(header)

#             fmts = '%.3f %.3f %.3f {}'.format(' '.join([fmtd[i] for i in vals]))
#             np.savetxt(file_out[0] + '.gslib', to_write, delimiter=' ', header=header, comments='', fmt=fmts)

#     return bh_df

# Some utilities for generating shapes

# def planepoint(dip_norm, x_dip, y_dip, znow, xtemp, ytemp, ztemp, select=[]):
#     """
#     Compute number of planes

#     Parameters:
#         dip_norm:
#         x_dip:			X coordinates of points on dip planes
#         y_dip:			Y coordinates of points on dip planes
#         znow:			Current coordinates of Z, needed to compute Z coordinates of points on dip planes
#         xtemp:			X dimension of model grid nodes
#         ytemp:			Y dimension of model grid nodes
#         ztemp:			Z dimension of model grid nodes
#         select:         Model grid nodes to consider

#     Returns:
#         set_no - Number of planes with selected model grid nodes

#     """
#     # Get closest plane to points
#     n_sets = dip_norm.shape[1]                   # Number of planes
#     nx, ny, nz = xtemp.shape                       # Get number of model cells
#     set_no = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz),  # Initialise set number array
#     z_dip = np.ones(x_dip.shape) * znow

#     if len(select) > 0:
#         select_idx = np.where(select)                                               # Get indices of selected model nodes
#     else:
#         select = np.ones_like(xtemp, dtype=bool)
#         select_idx = np.where(select)

#     points = np.array((xtemp[select].flatten(), ytemp[select].flatten(), ztemp[select].flatten()))      # Cartesian coordinates of model grid nodes
#     plp = np.array((x_dip, y_dip, z_dip)).T                                     # Cartesian coordinates of points on dip planes
#     pd = plp[:, None] - points.T                                                # subtract grid nodes from plane points

#     # Loop over set planes
#     for iset in range(n_sets-1):
#         if iset > 1:
#             pd_1 = pd_2
#         else:
#             abc_1 = dip_norm[:, iset]                                                           # Plane normal equation
#             pd_1 =[iset, :, :].squeeze().T) / np.sqrt(sum(abc_1 * abc_1))          # Distance to plane
#         pd1_c1 = pd_1 <= 0                                                                  # pd_1 meeting condition 1
#         pd1_c1_idx = np.where(pd1_c1)

#         if iset == 0:
#             set_no[select_idx[0][pd1_c1_idx], select_idx[1][pd1_c1_idx], select_idx[2][pd1_c1_idx]] = iset+1
#         # elif iset == n_sets: # this never happens
#         #     pd1_c2_idx = np.where(pd_1 > 0)                     # index of pd_2 meeting condition 1
#         #     set_no[select_idx[0][pd1_c2_idx], select_idx[1][pd1_c2_idx], select_idx[2][pd1_c2_idx]] = iset+1
#         else:
#             abc_2 = dip_norm[:, iset+1]
#             # Points on plane
#             pd_2 =[iset+1, :, :].squeeze().T) / np.sqrt(sum(abc_2 * abc_2))  # Distance to plane
#             inset = np.logical_and(pd_1 <= 0, pd_2 > 0)                                   # grid cell between planes
#             set_no[select_idx[0][inset], select_idx[1][inset], select_idx[2][inset]] = iset+1

#     return set_no

# def angle(v1, v2):
#     """
#     Return angle between two vectors in [°] between 0° and 180°

#     Parameters:
#         v1:	Vector 1
#         v2:	Vector 2

#     Returns:
#         angle value *(float)* - Angle between v1 and v2
#     """
#     cos =, v2) / np.sqrt(, v1) *, v2))
#     angle = np.arccos(cos)/np.pi*180
#     return angle

[docs]def get_alternating_facies(num_facies, type_params): """ Returns a vector of alternating facies numbers based on the 'altfacies' setting in the inifile. """ facies = np.zeros(num_facies, dtype=np.int32) facies[0] = np.random.choice(type_params['facies']) # The facies are changing according to the given 'altfacies' if type_params['altfacies'] is not None: for i in range(1, num_facies): fac_idx = type_params['facies'].index(facies[i-1]) facies[i] = np.random.choice(type_params['altfacies'][fac_idx]) else: for i in range(1, num_facies): facies[i] = np.random.choice(type_params['facies']) return facies
# def norm(v): # return np.sqrt(,v))
[docs]def specsim(grid, var, corl, selection_mask=None, two_dim=False, covmod='gaussian'): """ Generate random variables with stationary covariance function using spectral techniques of Dietrich & Newsam (1993) Parameters ---------- grid : Grid instance var : float Variance corl : tuple of floats Tuple of correlation lengths. 2-tuple for 2-d (x and y), and 3-tuple for 3-d (x, y, z). selection_mask : boolean numpy array This array should have the same size as the model grid and can be used to only generate random variables for a subset of the model grid. If ``two_dim=True``, it should have dimensions ``(nx, ny)``, otherwise ``(nx, ny, nz)``. two_dim : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to return a two-dimensional or a 3 dimensional field covmod : str, optional (default: "gaussian") Which covariance model to use ("gaussian" or "exp"). Returns ------- Y : 1d, 2d, or 3d numpy array Numpy array of random field. If no selection mask was given, this is either a 2d or 3d numpy array, depending on ``two_dim`` and of the size of the model grid. If a selection_mask was given, this is a flat array of values. """ # THINK: If this is called multiple times in a row with the same parameters (i.e. same var, # corl, covmod), then it is not necessary to recalculate syy, and we even get two fields out. # Is there a way to use this? mask_given = selection_mask is not None if mask_given: # This method only works for rectangular grids, this means we have to find the smallest # rectangular selection that contains all selected cells if two_dim: x_idx, y_idx = np.where(selection_mask) min_x_idx = np.min(x_idx) max_x_idx = np.max(x_idx) min_y_idx = np.min(y_idx) max_y_idx = np.max(y_idx) rectangular_mask = np.zeros_like(selection_mask) rectangular_mask[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1] = True selected_X = grid.X[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,0] selected_Y = grid.Y[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,0] selected_X_centered = selected_X - (np.min(selected_X) + np.max(selected_X))/2 selected_Y_centered = selected_Y - (np.min(selected_Y) + np.max(selected_Y))/2 selection_mask_small = selection_mask[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1] h_square = (selected_X_centered/corl[0])**2 \ + (selected_Y_centered/corl[1])**2 else: x_idx, y_idx, z_idx = np.where(selection_mask) try: min_x_idx = min(x_idx) except: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() max_x_idx = np.max(x_idx) min_y_idx = np.min(y_idx) max_y_idx = np.max(y_idx) max_z_idx = np.max(z_idx) min_z_idx = np.min(z_idx) rectangular_mask = np.zeros_like(selection_mask) rectangular_mask[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,min_z_idx:max_z_idx+1] = True selected_X = grid.X[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,min_z_idx:max_z_idx+1] selected_Y = grid.Y[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,min_z_idx:max_z_idx+1] selected_Z = grid.Z[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,min_z_idx:max_z_idx+1] selected_X_centered = selected_X - (np.min(selected_X) + np.max(selected_X))/2 selected_Y_centered = selected_Y - (np.min(selected_Y) + np.max(selected_Y))/2 selected_Z_centered = selected_Z - (np.min(selected_Z) + np.max(selected_Z))/2 selection_mask_small = selection_mask[min_x_idx:max_x_idx+1,min_y_idx:max_y_idx+1,min_z_idx:max_z_idx+1] h_square = (selected_X_centered/corl[0])**2 \ + (selected_Y_centered/corl[1])**2 \ + (selected_Z_centered/corl[2])**2 else: # full grid if two_dim: h_square = (np.asarray(grid.X_centered[:,:,0])/corl[0])**2 \ + (np.asarray(grid.Y_centered[:,:,0])/corl[1])**2 else: h_square = (np.asarray(grid.X_centered)/corl[0])**2 \ + (np.asarray(grid.Y_centered)/corl[1])**2 \ + (np.asarray(grid.Z_centered)/corl[2])**2 ntot = h_square.size # Covariance matrix of variables if covmod == 'gaussian': # Gaussian covariance model ryy = np.exp(-h_square) * var elif covmod == 'exp': # Exponential covariance model ryy = np.exp(-np.sqrt(h_square)) * var else: raise ValueError('Invalid covariance model') # Power spectrum of variable syy = np.fft.fftn(np.fft.fftshift(ryy)) / ntot syy = np.abs(syy) # Remove imaginary artifacts syy[0] = 0 real = np.random.randn(*syy.shape) imag = np.random.randn(*syy.shape) epsilon = real + 1j*imag rand = epsilon * np.sqrt(syy) Y = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(rand * ntot)) if mask_given: return Y[selection_mask_small] return Y