hyvr package


hyvr.assign_points module


This function does all the dirty work of assigning grid cells to their stratum, ae, or geometrical object.


Return facies, azim and dip if the cell is inside this AE. Assigns values to point if point is in current ae

  • ae (AERealization object) –

  • geo_ids (np.int32 array of size 4) – This holds the geological indices, i.e. facies number, architectural element number, hydrofacies assemblage (ha) and hydrofacies assemblage type (hat).

  • angles (np.ndarray[np.float, dim=1]) – Array of length 2 that holds the azimuth and dip angles, will also be altered.

  • y, z (x,) – cell coordinates

  • y_idx (x_idx,) – indices of x and y position in grid.

  • oi (int) – Object index of the last found object. This can be used as a starting point for the next cell.

  • grid (Grid object) –


oi – Object index of the last found object. This can be used as a starting point for the next cell.

Return type



Tries to assign the point in question to an architectural element in the stratum, if it is inside the stratum.

  • stratum_aes (list of architectural element objects) –

  • n_ae (int) – Number of AEs in stratum

  • geo_ids (np.int32 array of size 4) – This holds the geological indices, i.e. facies number, architectural element number, hydrofacies assemblage (ha) and hydrofacies assemblage type (hat).

  • angles (np.float array of size 2) – Holds azimuth and dip angle

  • y, z (x,) – x, y, and z position of the point that should be assigned

  • y_idx (x_idx,) – x and y indices in the grid

  • aei (int) – Architectural element index. This is passed, so that we only have to search in elements above the previous one for the right architectural element.

  • oi (int) – Object index.

  • grid (Grid object) –

hyvr.optimized module

This module contains optimized versions of routines that were once in sim or utils.


Samuel Scherrer


Interpolate evenly spaced points along a curve. This code is based on code in an answer posted by ‘Unutbu’ on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19117660/how-to-generate-equispaced-interpolating-values (retrieved 17/04/2017)

  • xc – x coordinates of curve

  • yc – y coordinates of curve

  • spacing – Spacing between points


  • xn - x coordinates of interpolated points

  • yn - y coordinates of interpolated points


Calculate and set the anisotropic conductivity tensor for every grid point

  • ktensors (np.ndarray, dtype = np.float, shape = (nx, ny, nz, 3, 3)) – The matrix of conductivity tensors. This matrix will be altered in place.

  • k_iso (np.ndarray, dtype = np.float, shape = (nx, ny, nz)) – The matrix of isotropic hydraulic conductivities

  • azim (np.ndarray, dtype = np.float, shape = (nx, ny, nz)) – The matrix of azimuth angles (in radians)

  • dip (np.ndarray, dtype = np.float, shape = (nx, ny, nz)) – The matrix of dip angles (in radians)

  • anirat (np.ndarray, dtype = np.float, shape = (nx, ny, nz)) – The matrix of anisotropy ratios


Return type


hyvr.sim module

Hydrogeological Virtual Reality simulation package.

Hydrogeological virtual reality (HYVR) simulator for object-based modelling of sedimentary structures


Jeremy P. Bennett, Samuel Scherrer

hyvr.sim.run(inifile, flag_ow=None)[source]

Runs HyVR based on a given ini-file.

  • inifile (path) – Path to inifile. If inifile is set to 0, the ini-file for the MADE test case is used.

  • flag_ow (bool) – Whether to overwrite existing run directories.

hyvr.utils module

Some utility functions for HFM modelling


Jeremy P. Bennett, with help from Alessandro Comunian and Samuel Scherrer


hyvr.utils.get_alternating_facies(num_facies, type_params)[source]

Returns a vector of alternating facies numbers based on the ‘altfacies’ setting in the inifile.


Prints a message to stdout with timestamp.

hyvr.utils.specsim(grid, var, corl, selection_mask=None, two_dim=False, covmod='gaussian')[source]

Generate random variables with stationary covariance function using spectral techniques of Dietrich & Newsam (1993)

  • grid (Grid instance) –

  • var (float) – Variance

  • corl (tuple of floats) – Tuple of correlation lengths. 2-tuple for 2-d (x and y), and 3-tuple for 3-d (x, y, z).

  • selection_mask (boolean numpy array) – This array should have the same size as the model grid and can be used to only generate random variables for a subset of the model grid. If two_dim=True, it should have dimensions (nx, ny), otherwise (nx, ny, nz).

  • two_dim (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether to return a two-dimensional or a 3 dimensional field

  • covmod (str, optional (default: "gaussian")) – Which covariance model to use (“gaussian” or “exp”).


Y – Numpy array of random field. If no selection mask was given, this is either a 2d or 3d numpy array, depending on two_dim and of the size of the model grid. If a selection_mask was given, this is a flat array of values.

Return type

1d, 2d, or 3d numpy array